I’m passionate about finding ways to help you minimise your tax and maximise your profit.
I have a way of seeing opportunities that others can’t, from simple savings through to sophisticated tax planning strategies. I can show you a clear, straightforward action plan to minimise or even defer your tax.
You will receive jargon-free tax planning advice on effective business tax strategies, including:
- Restructuring your business to be more tax effective
- Restructuring your salary packages to be more tax effective
- Understanding the impact of tax law changes – and what to do about it
- Planning your Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT)
- Structuring your superannuation to minimise tax.
And, of course, I have an entire team of accountants who can prepare your financial reports (be it annually, six monthly or quarterly) including:
- Your annual income tax return
- Your Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss Statement
- Business Activity Statements (BAS) and GST
- Your Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT) returns
- Workers compensation reconciliation (WorkCover, WorkSafe etc)
- Reconciliation of wages and PAYG withholding
- Payroll tax and superannuation
- Business Analysis and Cash flow Forecasting
- ASIC reporting.

If you want to find out more about how I can help you or your business, please feel free to get in touch with me, or book an initial consultation.